Detektive Full Movie Watch

Watch Full Movie Online of Detektive for Free Here!


Storyline of Detektive Movie

Munich in the late Sixties must have been the coolest place on earth. At least when you look at some of the movies that were made around that time. "Detektive" is Rudolf Thome's feature debut, one year before he shot "Rote Sonne" (Red Sun) Link , and naturally it was a movie about girls and guns (and two cool dudes, proto slackers). The story is almost forgettable, it's all about the style. And, of course, Uschi Obermaier, the star of "Rote Sonne", whom Thome had discovered for "Detektive". (Consequently, for most of the time, Uschi runs around in her undies) The dialogues are hilarious, super deadpan, the crime plot is ridiculous, the cinemathography (b/w and scope) beautiful.

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Movie Trailer of Detektive

The "Detektive" Movie Description

Release : 1969-05-22
Genre : Crime, Drama
Runtime : 91
Company : Eichberg-Film
Quality Poster of Detektive Movie

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